West Systems taking part in the Climate Change Challenge
West Systems is part of a European network in Geological Carbon Storage; CO2 REACT Project. Being part of this Marie Curie Initial Training Network, means work with some of the most qualified scientists and experts in Geological Carbon Storage, which is very exciting for any point of view.
At the very beginning of 2014, I was enrolled in West Systems as a PhD student into the CO2 REACT project. My issue within the network is to study the role of CO2 in a gas-injection site. So that, going more in details, on one hand I study the CO2 leakage from gas reservoirs by means of the Flux meter device realized by West Systems. My other challenge is to study the role of CO2 in cap rock integrity and cement/casing degradation by using Reaction-Path– and Reactive-Transport-Modeling.
Regarding my work at West Systems, I have carried out field work measuring diffuse CO2 fluxes from soils with the accumulation chamber method in a place with high rates of natural gas emissions . This place is situated near Sant’Albino (Tuscany) where a natural CO2 gas reservoir is extracted for industrial purpose. This place became a reference for my research since it was taken as a Natural analogue for the geological CO2 storage see blog publication, thus my “Natural lab”. After having fun collecting data in the field between vineyards and mud pools, I performance the CO2 flux mapping and a conceptual model to figure out what is happing there.
West Systems taking part in the Climate Change Challenge
Image 1. Measuring diffuse CO2 fluxes near Montepulciano (Tuscany)
To study the role of CO2 in cement degradation and the implication of all the elements involved in a CO2 injection site, I use my field and experimental data together with computer tools; So that, Reaction Path – and Reactive-Transport-Modeling. Thus, to carry out the Modelling part I had to be training.
Fortunately, the CO2 REACT network gives you the opportunity to be training in any subject you need for your research. Not only organizing meetings at least once a year (Click here for more information), but also giving you facilities to attend courses, workshops or congresses. In my case, I attended a lot of congresses and seminars; ICC in Iceland, Goldschmidt Conference in Prague, Phreeqc course in Amsterdam, etc.
One of the most exciting experience was to attended to the TOUGH SYMPOSIUM 2015 at the University of Berkeley in California. TOUGH is a strong software to carry out my research in Reactive Transport Modelling (RTM), which was developed at Berkeley University. I was glad to give a talk at the Symposium (see the proceeding paper here ) and to attend to a TOUGH course.
West Systems taking part in the Climate Change Challenge
Also, West Systems organized a network meeting last wear in which I made a demonstration in how to use the Flux meter, for both students and supervisors see link.
Image 2. CO2 REACT network meeting was held in West Systems
In the very near future, I will visit Lafarge Research Center (Lyon, France), one of the network partners to performance part of my study in cement degradation due to the CO2 flux.
Mail: a.hernandez@westsystems.com
Ana Hernandez Rodriguez
Marie Curie Fellow (Initial Training Network). Graduated in Geology(5yr.) and Master degree in Geological resources from the University of Oviedo (Spain). PhD studies in Geochemistry within the CO2 REACT project (Marie Curie ITN).Experience as a geologist in Honduras, Chile and Italy in different fields. My main issue now is modelling geochemical processes during CO2-water-cement-rock interactions in gas reservoirs.
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- West Systems taking part in the Climate Change Challenge - 19 aprile 2016